Friday, January 8, 2010

What is the real gift...the past or present?

Today is one of those days where I'm trying to determine whether I was more content with my life in my adolescent years or as it currently plays out. It's always easier to want what you don't have or once had, but why is it so difficult for an individual to live in the now and embrace what life currently offers? I can definitely appreciate the experiences that I've had thus far; they've contributed to the strong, intelligent, and loving woman that I am today. I would be less than forthcoming if I didn't admit that I wouldn't mind going back in time to re-live high school. While it is true that there are some events I'd like to leave, as a whole, it would be great to give it another shot-especially knowing the things that I know now.

At the core of my being, I am a nostalgic person and when I'm in this mood, it certainly stirs up the "shoulda, coulda, woulda's". Most people who know me personally, are aware that I don't live my life regretting anything that I've done in my past. However, as I mentioned in the first paragraph, I'd like to know how different life would be if given the chance to do things over again, with the knowledge of my 20-something year old mind.

Although a part of my brain will always have this longing for living in the past, I do know that where I exist is truly a gift. It is the only opportunity that we have in shaping and molding our futures.

~Take a stroll down memory lane every now and then, but don't set up shop because you will be your only neighbor.