Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Feelin good, Feelin GREAT!!!

Far too often, I don't heed this piece of advice - "Stop telling God how big your storm is, instead, tell the storm how big your God is!" Well today will be centered around positivity and not contain the "Woe is Me" component. I am blessed in so many ways and I am reminded of this via my health, finances, and position in life. I am comforted in the fact that my Maker has allowed me to continue to live my life as one of His children, in spite of my disobedient ways.

"He saw the Best in me!"


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on that...
That has to be the hardest thing on earth to do. I have to constantly tell myself He created the Heaven's and the Earth, this is nothing for Him. It's tough sometimes though...I'm learning that the more I focus on what He's told me through His words (I like to say words, because it is a whole book and sometimes people seem to skip over it like it's not as important as it is when you just say 'word') the better I am. Not that I'm all that good at meditating, but that I read a lot, the more I read and learn about God, the better I feel, I see with my spirit and not my eyes...

Sorry so long, but I love to talk about my God!