Sunday, January 3, 2010

Princesses, Frogs, and other things...

Posting for 1/1/10

So today was the first day of the rest of this year. I realized that I had abandoned my writing and will attempt to provide entries for each day of my life. Mainly for therapeutic purposes and to sort out the random thoughts that usually stay lodged in the corners of my brain.

Most of my day was spent hanging out at home on my day off from work. During the evening, a good friend of mine and I went to the movies to see The Princess and the Frog. It may have been a bit "childish" but I can be a sucker for a good Disney movie. Initially, I wanted to see it because it was Disney's first little, black princess. To my surprise, the most important message that was conveyed was to work hard at achieving your goals, but never lose sight of sharing yourself with loved ones.

I thought the storyline was a great way to project this gem to little girls. The stereotypical have a "prince ride in on a white horse" and you will live "happily ever after" is no longer relevant in today's world.

Although, I was already aware that being a careerwoman does not mean you don't need love, it was a great way to refresh and rejuvenate my thinking for the New Year.

CHEERS to this wonderful year to be had by all!!!