Monday, January 18, 2010

good eats, good company, good times

Last night, I spent the evening with my girls at a swanky restaurant in DC called Oya. To say that I had a good time would be an understatement! I loved the atmosphere upon entering the establishment and everyone looked young, fresh, and put together in their attire. The crowd was a mixture of couples and groups of friends out for an easy-going evening (it was raining all day).

The reason that we decided to be patrons of Oya is because of Restaurant Week that took place in DC the past several days. There was a special to purchase a 3 course meal for $35. Bargainistas like us couldn't pass up a great deal like that! I must say that I was pleasantly pleased with my choices. For an appetizer, I got chicken skewers...entree', Asian salmon....dessert, strawberry sorbet. While the portions were small, it didn't matter to me because I sampled everyone's food :-) At the end of the evening, I was content but not stuffed.

Because I am a "people watcher", I observed a double date taking place at a table near us. One of the couples seemed to be familiar with one another, while the other couple appeared to have been set up. The double date stuck out to me because one of the ladies was almost a foot taller than her date. To strengthen the height differential, she was a really thin girl. Unfortunately she was acting like she didn't want to be there. Seeing her mannerisms, I now vow to become more aware of how I act on future dates. I don't want to seem snobbish as she appeared.

Back at our table, us girls discussed career plans (CPA, MBA classes, etc.), Valentine's Day, and of course...B-O-Y-S!! Surprisingly, they weren't on the receiving end of freshly, sharpened verbal daggers. However, can't promise the same results the next time we're together ;-)