Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh no he DIDN'T!

Today is Valentine's Day and I was greeted with one of the most unromantic text messages at 3:30 this morning. Several months ago, I was involved in a budding relationship with a guy I'd known since middle school. There were some events that occurred between us and it resulted in a mutual understanding that we would go our separate ways (as of February 4). So when my sleep was interrupted by:

"As hard as you try you can't just write me off and you know it"

I was taken aback by it but immediately went back to sleep. When I awoke for the day, I knew what my plan of action was in reference to the text...IGNORE!!! In no way did I want to entertain or give him the satisfaction of a reaction by responding to such a statement. Ever since we last spoke, I had never reached out to him in an attempt to initiate a dialogue. From my perspective, we were clear about the roles that we would play out each other's lives. It is clear to me that it hasn't been very easy for him to cope without me being a part of his life.

~You don't know what you had, until it's gone~