Friday, February 12, 2010

Being a notch in your belt, is not enough for me

As a woman, I believe that there is a natural desire to be the object of a man's affection. I can speak candidly on this because ever since I could remember, I have always wanted to be considered a beauty by the opposite sex's standard. As an adolescent, it is difficult to understand the complexities that may arise as a result of being considered a "dime". Having gone through that period and collected some experiences along the way, I've concluded that being beautiful just isn't enough for me.

I am the culmination of many things and they include intelligence, a loving nature, grace, style, poise, and respect. Most of these ingredients are hard to find in a person, especially bundled together. Because I know that what I possess is a rarity, I can be selective of who reaps the benefit of my company. That being said, if you are a guy and you're only after One Thing, please do not waste my time or yours by stepping to me.

If you're confused, please refer to the title...