Sunday, August 29, 2010

From his tweet to my thoughts

Recently, I saw a tweet that stated, "trust and believe...the groupies that chase entertainers, ruin it for the ones who want a real woman" & "most decent women wouldn't date a rapper...just because...he's a rapper". The tweet got me thinking about the rappers' music that I listen to and it seems to be a recurring theme about expressing the desire for a girlfriend. Not the typical subject in many rap tracks.

I'd like to offer a response (more of an affirmation) to the first tweet: SO TRUE! Too often, entertainers are surrounded by people who want something from them. The groupie is probably the most proactive person on the list of "users" that people with any type of clout will come across. In her, there resides a thirst that can't be satisfied by anyone of normal standing. She will attach herself, like a leech, to men who range from those on the come-up to established individuals that are known to have wives and families. Knowing that women like this exist, male entertainers are always on guard (especially with matters of their hearts). It's not an easy task in figuring out who appreciates you, as if you are broke.

The next tweet is something that I'd never thought about on my own...but I do believe that it is somewhat true. Regardless of what anyone says, I believe that being the girlfriend, fiance, or wife of a male entertainer requires thick skin and the understanding that he may not be on his best behavior. Let's face it, if Jamal who works a blue collar job is capable of juggling a girlfriend, and two side chicks...there's no way a man who gets pussy thrown in his face everytime he looks around is gonna turn it down. For the most part, men are not built to resist temptation for the rest of his days. Depending on one's definition of "decent", this particular woman may not be willing to put up with a rapper's ways. Unfortunately this leaves thirsty groupies (whom I will dub as leeches) in a large pool occupied by other leeches.

There are times when I refer to myself as a groupie but it's all in jest. My groupie status is more on an intellectual level. If someone has stimulated my mind through his craft, I'm more inclined to keep up with his career. I'd never allow myself to compromise my morals or sexuality for a night's passion with a rapper or fool myself into thinking that my "tricks" will have me falling head over heels. There's always someone out there who can do what I've done and better. Although the possibilities seem to be few, I hope that those rappers expressing that they want unrequited love do in fact find what they are looking for. Isn't that what we all want regardless of our status?