Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh no he DIDN'T!

Today is Valentine's Day and I was greeted with one of the most unromantic text messages at 3:30 this morning. Several months ago, I was involved in a budding relationship with a guy I'd known since middle school. There were some events that occurred between us and it resulted in a mutual understanding that we would go our separate ways (as of February 4). So when my sleep was interrupted by:

"As hard as you try you can't just write me off and you know it"

I was taken aback by it but immediately went back to sleep. When I awoke for the day, I knew what my plan of action was in reference to the text...IGNORE!!! In no way did I want to entertain or give him the satisfaction of a reaction by responding to such a statement. Ever since we last spoke, I had never reached out to him in an attempt to initiate a dialogue. From my perspective, we were clear about the roles that we would play out each other's lives. It is clear to me that it hasn't been very easy for him to cope without me being a part of his life.

~You don't know what you had, until it's gone~

Friday, February 12, 2010

Being a notch in your belt, is not enough for me

As a woman, I believe that there is a natural desire to be the object of a man's affection. I can speak candidly on this because ever since I could remember, I have always wanted to be considered a beauty by the opposite sex's standard. As an adolescent, it is difficult to understand the complexities that may arise as a result of being considered a "dime". Having gone through that period and collected some experiences along the way, I've concluded that being beautiful just isn't enough for me.

I am the culmination of many things and they include intelligence, a loving nature, grace, style, poise, and respect. Most of these ingredients are hard to find in a person, especially bundled together. Because I know that what I possess is a rarity, I can be selective of who reaps the benefit of my company. That being said, if you are a guy and you're only after One Thing, please do not waste my time or yours by stepping to me.

If you're confused, please refer to the title...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Surviving Snowpocalypse and Snowmageddon

Living in the DMV area has brought me the great fortune of experiencing a historical moment in the early part of 2010. This past weekend/week our region was bombarded with an average of 55 inches of snow. Because I hail from the South, any amount of snow has the potential to make me anxious. In preparation for the blizzards, I shopped at my local grocery store and for the first time in my life, I filled the entire space of the buggy!! I mean with the weather men/women saying that we could be stuck in our homes anywhere from 3 - 5 days, I had to be prepared! In addition to food, I was supposed to purchase my first snow shovel as well, but I wasn't so lucky in that department. Since there is public transportation all around, I didn't worry about that too much. Below I am going to give a synopsis of my days spent during what could be considered one of the most exciting times in my life.

Friday, Feb. 5, 2010
I arrived at work at 7:30am anticipating that my company would allow us to leave early and ahead of the snowstorm that was said to begin at 10am. To my delight, we were allowed to leave at 12 noon. Once I got on my side of town, I went to the grocery store one last time in order to get my addiction-SODA!

Around 3pm, I was mentally preparing myself for what was to come about during the weekend. As I was fixing lunch, I checked the status of my matches and found that a bona fide, SEXY (and smart) man had checked out my profile and noted that he was interested in me. After going through the various levels of "communicating" that the website has setup, we began emailing one another and he sent his number so that I could call him. These days I am more of a texter than a talker and felt a bit uncomfortable making that first phone call. I told him that I had to watch my minutes and that I preferred to text until they were free. He agreed, and we began texting one another. From our text session, he suggested that he come over to my place or vice versa so we wouldn't spend the weekend alone. With that suggestion, I became a bit uncomfortable and igged him for the remainder of the night.

Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010
I awoke to a steady stream of snow that would continue into the late part of the night. One of my homegirls told me that her power had gone out on Friday night and I felt so helpless since I couldn't help her out.

Admittedly before I went to bed, I felt kind of bad by ignoring "Sexy" and decided to call him. Once I did, I found out that his power had gone out around 2 am and he was frustrated from digging his car out for 5 hrs and being cold. He adamantly stated that he wasn't going to remain at his house while the power was out. I didn't talk with him a whole lot for the remainder of the day. I would have rather been exposed to his personality outside of being in a messed up situation. Oh yeah, he threw in the fact that he wouldn't be in this situation had he been on my side of town. My thoughts? Sorry boo, couldn't help you could be a serial killer, rapist, etc.

Sunday, Feb 7, 2010
It's the third day since the storm started, and I was lucky that my power was still on. By this time, friends and family were calling to check on me to see how I was coping with the storm. (I felt so loved!) Most of my Sunday was spent keeping items in their respective place in my apartment. Since I was cooped up and had to continuously look at my space, I wanted everything to be clean and neat. Any other time, I would be too tired or busy to constantly tidy up. In that respect, I appreciated the storm and besides, I've been known to stay in my apartment all weekend so this was a piece of cake for me.

I spoke with Sexy again today and he was in a better mood. He mentioned that he would like for us to meet up if I didn't have to report to work on Monday and I agreed. I must mention that he was doing a very noble thing by taking a friend of his to get his medication. This deed superceded the other things he'd done that had me looking at him with the crooked eye.
Monday, Feb. 8, 2010
I decided to get out of my apartment and walk to my local grocery store for a couple items. For my walk, I wore some regular black sneakers instead of my rainboots. That was a BIG mistake! My socks and feet got wet from the slush on the ground not to mention the cars that drove by spraying more water on me. As I was walking, this guy stopped and tried to holla at me but I could tell he wasn't my type. I stopped in my tracks until he proceeded to drive on.

After I returned to my apartment, I texted one of my homegirls about Sexy and she responded with, "Really? I just spoke with a Sexy, lol". My response, "Nooooo...not from ________?" She confirmed that it was in fact the same guy and we had to laugh at the fact that this was the 2nd time this had happened to us. I told her that this solidifies the fact that the pickings are slim around our area. She agreed to fall back since we began communicating first (plus she knows I'm on Empty in terms of my prospects).

Like clockwork, Sexy texted me asking whether or not I still wanted to meet up. I told him that it was fine but my car was still buried and public transit wasn't conducive for time. Like a crazy person, I suggested that he pick me up and he agreed. He arrived at my apartment around 5:30 and we went downtown and ate at Noodles & Company. The date was pleasant for both of us and when we were walking back to the car, I did something that I RARELY do...Held Hands!!! Typically I don't do this (or even like holding hands) but since we were vibing, it was appropriate. When he dropped me off, we gave each other a hug and kissed. I could have taken it there by mauling his face but I didn't because if you don't start nothing, won't be nothing.

Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010
I was still feeling restless today and walked to the same shopping center from the previous day. This time I needed to get my eyebrows waxed, so I was hoping that the salon was open. When I saw all of the activity taking place in the plaza, I knew I was in luck. As the lady began to wax my eyebrows, she asked if I wanted to get my whole face done for Valentine's Day. At this point, I'm used to them asking that question so it didn't bother me. (P.S. I do remainder of my facial removal at home). What DID bother me was her assumption that I was doing something "special" for Valentine's. This is my least favorite "holiday" because it's just a rub in the face for those of us who don't have a boo. Ah well...she cleaned my eyebrows up and I was on my merry way. Since I was around Sears, I decided to go in there to see if they happened to have a shovel so I could begin digging myself out. Needless to say they didn't. On my walk back, Sexy called me (he had gone to work and was chillin in his office).

Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010
I'm still off from work but I'm not missing it at all. I just want the opportunity to be able to get around town. My grocery shopping trip didn't let me down because I still have enough food to keep me from starving. Twice over this mini-vacation, I cooked a favorite meal of mine, salmon and rice. While it was good, the scent got in my clothes and lingered in my apartment. Even with people's advice of pouring some drops of lemon juice (in my case lime juice) in it to kill the smell, it didn't work! I don't think I'm going to ever cook salmon as long as I stay in this apartment. With my keen sense of smell, it's too much. Plus walking around smelling like fish is NOT the business!

Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010
Today may be my last day all to myself and tomorrow may be the day that I have to report back to work :-( Most people probably WANT to go back to work, but I'm a part of the minority who is fine just hanging around. All-in-all, this wasn't a bad experience and I can say that I met an interesting guy during what will undoubtedly be a historical time in our lives. Let's see how things play themselves out during normalcy.