Monday, January 11, 2010

Jury Duty, it ain't THAT bad...

So today, I had to report to jury duty in order to perform my "civic duty". Hey, don't judge me, that's what my summons said. Anyhow, upon my late arrival, I sat in the rear of the lounge and scoped out who was in attendance. A couple of guys caught my eye and I was thinking "Hmmm, this might be a good place to try and pick someone up!" Well, what I didn't count on was what actually occurred.

When lunchtime arrived, I decided to go to the cafeteria located in the lobby of the building. As I was twirling around, looking at my various lunch options, a middle-aged gentlemen of the caucasian persuasion began "warning" me about the selections. He said that the first time a person eats the food, it's good but after that it's downhill. He then proceeded to tell me which choices were better than others. I politely chuckled at his warning and thanked him for his advice on the lunch options. I was thinking, "Oh, that was real nice of him", and gathered the food that I wanted and headed to checkout. Lo and behold, he "appeared" behind me in the line and continued with the small talk. It was here that he asked my name and what I did for a living. I told him and he responded to that as well. After I'd finish paying for my meal, he wished me a good lunch.

Fast forward to the end of his lunch: He dumps his tray, and walks in my direction. At first I thought it was coincidence but I was pretty sure his office wasn't near my table. He said that it was nice meeting me AGAIN and handed me his business card. At this point, it's pretty obvious that he was trying to "Holla"!

I gotta say, this was FAR from what I'd expected to happen today but I think it needed to go down the way it did. Recently, I've been feeling like I couldn't pull anyone in (and I'm talking about the boogers all the way up to the fine men) under my spell. Well, I feel a rejuvenation of sorts with what happened today :-) Every now and then we need an external influence to remind us of how spectacular we can be when attracting those of the opposite sex.