Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dating Guidelines

Until a recent turn of events, I had forgotten that I was compiling a list of things that I have learned while navigating the dating world. A few of these points are probably obvious for some people, but I had to learn to incorporate them in my dating life--the hard way.

1. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Divulge enough information to peak the male's curiosity.

2. Leave enough/proper healing time between relationships. The comparison between two men shouldn't be so grand to the point where the old guy is "missed" and the new guy doesn't measure up.

3. Listen to inner voice-ESPECIALLY early on. If random thoughts occupy the mind, there could be substance to it.

4. Don't be too guarded or allow the guard to fall too soon. If guard is coming down too fast, scale back some. Allow the guard to lower once #2 has been put in place.

5. Be wary of flatterers. These types will/can prey on a woman's innermost desires, use that against her, and leave her with the broken pieces to put together again.

6. Do no curtail personal expectations of a man in exchange for mediocre shit they will try and get away with.

7. Don't compromise values for temporary moments with an unwilling man.

8. Practice abstaining from sex during the courting phase.

9. Study a man's interactions with others for clues about his character that he may not verbalize.

10. Work at maintaining friendships because a romantic relationship isn't guaranteed.

11. Never take responsibility for the fault(s) of others.